Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Moment's Ramble

Throwback. You know how I am with bmore club.

This entry was just too good to not write another entry about. Yo! Nobody asked you to ask yourself "who posts other posts?" This rubber cement isn't doin me focus much good. Now, I'm gonna pull shit out of that blog to put on my blog. Get at me plagiarism officers, I'm not citing my references properly.

"The Web is not just for pornography anymore. Now it’s where art and commerce have their first date, get engaged and formalize the nups. The Web is the space where you hear about what’s new, and then before you and your fellow fanboys can gush, it’s cycled through. Witness the phenomenon where people apologize on their blog when they’re “late” (perhaps a week) to linking something that’s floating around the trendy Web sites, as though they’ve let you down. You and their 11 other readers."

(koolhaas houselife)

(photoshop disasters)
lmfao.. disclaimer: this is only 'lmfao-funny' if you've been to school for photoshop"

This kinda killed my optimism for a minute.
Sigh... ECIAD kids... Always up to no good. I wonder what would happen to all the egos of art school kids if we were all told we would never be found out. Ah, what then. I wonder if they have security on that rooftop... cuz I'm sabotaging. Penis on head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the Moment Blog. Always nice to be "plagiarized." Don't worry, I wont send the Times lawyers after you. The Digital Ramble column will continue... stay tuned!
Thanks again,
Editor, The Moment