Monday, December 31, 2007

Kanpai | À Votre Santé | Fisehatak | Cin Cin | L'chaim!

Paulo, the topic is: 2007. What happened?
You tell me!!

Where did you start 2007?
In the Philippines, watching fireworks being set off all around me. Then watched my grandparents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Then had dinner at a restaurant on the beach. Then drove to the airport to fly off to Australia :D

How was your birthday?
Parades, fireworks, time-and-a-half for everybody--it was like awesome.

No, I just ate out and rented "porn"...

Were you in school? Definately WAS.

How did you earn money this year?
T-shirt design, event staff, and retail.

Did you ever have to go to the hospital this year?
Thankfully not.

Have you been sick or injured?
Got pretty sick in Australia (insane dizzyness & nosebleeds), got hives / some sort of skin allergy in the Spring, and had a few colds here and there.

Did you move anywhere? Half moved to Cloverdale-ish.

Know anybody who was born, married or passed away this year?
2 baby boy cousins, no, and no.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Graduating from high school, and college.

What sporting events did you go to?
Vancouver's largest waterfight.

What concerts did you go to? Kanye & Ludacris

Albums that define your year?
"Fragmented" UpDharmaDown
"The Annual 2006: AU Edition" Ministry of Sound (Yeah, I know it's not 2007)
"Graduation" Kanye West
"Version" Mark Ronson
"Fire Flower" Ananda Project

Have you encountered the police this year?
Uh. Yes. Random checks and party crashers.

What was the best thing you bought?
Jimmy Brando 3000 (my phone).

Where did most of your money go?
Eating out, impulsive shopping and GAS.

What was your best month? January.

What pop culture event(s) will you remember 2007 by?
Loud music, loud prints, Britney Spears.

What was your favourite TV program? Amazing Race Asia, Barrio19, Planet Earth.

What was the best film you saw this year? Waking Life or East of Eden.

Best movie of 2007? Last Mimzy, Superbad, or Zeitgeist.

What was the best book you read?
"The Little Prince" or "Daily Inspiration from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

Any relationships? Rather not.
What did you want and get? Kato.
What did you want and not get? A raise.
What kept you sane? Anything totally unrelated to school and work.
Place you spent the most time in? Kato.
Favourite new place you discovered? Third floor, Library building, Langara.
Person who taught you a lot this year? Me.
Any old friends you rediscovered? Nope.
Person who told you the nicest thing about yourself? English teachers.

Who did something really great for you and what?
My parents -- for letting me make critical decisions on my own, taking me on vacations/shopping sprees and giving me a car =D

Anybody you crushed on all year?
A WHOLE YEAR?? If there is anyone who thinks they can really interest me that long, I'd like to see you in my office pronto.

Anyone you wished you apologized to?
For what? Sorry.

Friends you went out with a lot? D3y kn0 h0o d3y r

Coolest person you met this year? Nobody. Coworkers came close but oooh, not quite.

Which celebrity/public figure interested you the most?
Jeremy Piven, Maya Arulpragasam, Kanye West, Natalie Portman, Sean Avery

What political issue stirred you the most?
Burma, BC Gateway Project, 9/11 conspiracies, US presidential debates, Bali climate talks

Who was the best new person you met?
I love all my new persons equally. But honestly, none of them deserve to be "the best".

Compared to this time last year, are you...
Thinner or fatter? Hopefully fatter.
Richer or poorer? Richer. But it never accumulates.
Happier or sadder? Well I was pretty damn happy this time last year, but I'm not exactly SAD right now.
"On the right track"? Definately.

What's the one thing you did in 2007 that you never thought you would do?
Hmmm. I can't remember the stupid, random, little things I've done but I'd say the whole career move thing. Rethinking my options and being a little more fearless when it comes to my future.

Any regrets this year?

Wisest thing you did? Get my priorities straight.
Stupidest thing you did? Take 5 courses + semester course + work.
Biggest change in your life this year? College.
Something you learned the hard way? Slow down.
Greatest lesson you learned? Time invested in myself is the best investment I could ever make.
Best joke you've heard all year? I hate joke. I hate laugh.
Biggest disappointment? Grades.
Biggest blessing? Everything.
Biggest thing you discovered about the world? North America is a very weird place.
Biggest thing you've discovered about people in general? We're changing/evolving.

What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 2nd: It was really, really, REALLY--no like REALLY-- sad leaving the Philippines. I mean, I hadn't been there for 13 years and still it felt more like home than Vancouver. It's WEIRD cuz I never thought it would be like that but on the drive to the airport it hit me that way. But on the positive side, the same day I landed in Melbourne, and even though I was beginning to be a little homesick, I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. "Asian girls with Australian accents?!"

What was your biggest failure? First semester.
What was your greatest achievement? Actually working.

How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (crappy) to 10 (amazing)?
9. It woulda been a 10 if it wasn't for such a CRAP semester (-1). Otherwise, vacations (+2), senior-to-freshman-life (+2), self-development (+3) and Kato (+2) made it a helluvalot better.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"I'm gettin' higher
Closer to my dreams
I'm getting higher and higher
Feel it in my sleep...
Leaving all my fears to burn down
Push them all away so I can move on
Closer to my dreams
Feel it all over my being
Close your eyes and see what you believe"

Did you keep your New Years resolutions from last year?
Don't remember

What are your resolutions for 2008?
Play better, Give better, Save better, Listen better, Be healthier, buy bongo drums, build an awesome portfolio, get into the right field, travel, try a different drink every night I go out, make useful connections, motivate/congratulate other people more, be less "cold" to the opposite sex, AND TO actually stick to these resolutions.

What are you excited for in 2008?
Turning 19, a more relaxed semester, UpDharmaDown's new album, sister's wedding, cousins from mom's side comin over to kick it, the possibility of transferring into a better program/school, buckling down and getting myself somewhere.

What would you like to have in 2008 that you didn't have in 2007?
A Macbook Pro, $, and obvious opportunities.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
Create yourself in the image of your MOST most most ideal self and trust that you're going the right direction because of an unconditional faith in your dreams.

Thanks, I exfoliate.

What words will you base living 2008 on?
"Let's go on a living spree!"

( What song is that ^^^^^? It isn't "Breaking Down" by Ananda Project. It isn't "Anada Project". It isn't even a remix of an Ananda Project song. Help. )

PEACE 2007!
2008, you're miiine..

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