Saturday, December 29, 2007

рядовые события

A wise woman once said "BBC is OAP". Yeah, but it's still better than NBC. Especially the story on MI6 that was on tv about a month ago. Killa stories!

1 Rare Siberian tigers found dead
Come on guys... they're grrreat.

2 Japan drops humpback whale hunt
Come onnn... only a year or two??

3 Single brain cell's power shown
Hmm... I wonder what would happen if we activated our whole brain... *indigo children/evolution*

4 Touch cube points to future toys
Last Mimzy!

5 Queen launches YouTube channel
Soon she'll be on Facebook.

6 How next billion will shape net
It's crazy to think what the internet would be like when the majority of users don't speak English. What will domain names be like??

7 End of innocence for Mac fans
Yea Mac users.. don't be so fucking naive. Don't listen to me... I'm just jealous.

8 Bible put on a pinhead size chip
Holy shit that's small.

9 Russia prohibits denial of Santa

10 French cafes set to ban smoking
I can't imagine the French not smoking...

11 Macho makeover for Hello Kitty
Hahaha, sorry but it won't work.

12 New Year's resolution success tip
I actually think that's a good tip... Shit, now I have to redo my resolutions!

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