One of the most magical, significant, and reassuring movies I've seen in my entire LIFE. If you liked Waking Life, Last Mimzy, The Secret or even Zeitgeist, you might get the big idea in this movie. When people see this movie (even professional film critics), they either get it or they don't. There are a lot of very cynical criticisms about the movie, and just as much praise for it so it is DEFINITELY not for everyone.
Let's just say I had a better angle. Yee Yee! Glow in the Dark Opening Night in Seattle \ N*E*R*D - hella on point!!!!!!! new shit: anti, spazz, everyone nose--bomb. synesthetic visuals. definately rockin like they do from now on. (still wanted to hear 'kill joy' though. lmao @ the fob term). "People's energies are made of their souls. When you die, that energy may disperse but it isn't destroyed." - Pharrell Intro/Concept - "searchin the universe for creativity..." this dude's way off this earth and he knows it. good lookin out for us dreamers. great flow from song to song (worked out like a story). Stage/Visuals/Effects - 11/10. if i was a stage designer, i wouldnt have done much different. Performance - Kanye was the only person on stage for the whole 90 minute set (no breaks either)... that says something. Loved how he made everyone say "im sky high" and all that other good motivational stuff (15-20 times over and over again).
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain
He knows that only the greatest people make other people feel like they can be great too. Im getting the feeling he understands that when you spread your wealth (non-material or material) around, you get even more back. I know I hella sound groupie right now, but I dont know of any other rapper/artist (off the top of my head) that tries this hard to influence other people to chase their dreams so sincerely. Sure, some musicians donate money and raise awareness for things, but it doesn't always affect everybody. But when you're talking about dreams and potential--that's something everyone has. The idea of changing the world through individual advances in character, instead of spending millions and trillions of dollars on short-term fixes is without a doubt MUCH more effective in solving some of our problems right now. Much respect to West & N.E.R.D
WOW essay. Anyway, they needa put this out on DVD.
This entry was just too good to not write another entry about. Yo! Nobody asked you to ask yourself "who posts other posts?" This rubber cement isn't doin me focus much good. Now, I'm gonna pull shit out of that blog to put on my blog. Get at me plagiarism officers, I'm not citing my references properly.
"The Web is not just for pornography anymore. Now it’s where art and commerce have their first date, get engaged and formalize the nups. The Web is the space where you hear about what’s new, and then before you and your fellow fanboys can gush, it’s cycled through. Witness the phenomenon where people apologize on their blog when they’re “late” (perhaps a week) to linking something that’s floating around the trendy Web sites, as though they’ve let you down. You and their 11 other readers."
(photoshop disasters) lmfao.. disclaimer: this is only 'lmfao-funny' if you've been to school for photoshop"
This kinda killed my optimism for a minute. Sigh... ECIAD kids... Always up to no good. I wonder what would happen to all the egos of art school kids if we were all told we would never be found out. Ah, what then. I wonder if they have security on that rooftop... cuz I'm sabotaging. Penis on head. THEY BETTER LET CAMS IN TMRW @ GLOW IN THE DARK
Okay okay okay I'm on an art rampage. Computers + Art History = Art - History. I guess... Anyway, I had to do a presentation on Martial Raysse's Peinture a Haute Tension today and surfed into Ivan Navarro. Neon. Same thing. An artist is gonna invent the first time machine... I can feel it.
Kehinde Wiley... not only can he paint portraits like the best of em, but he paints real subject matter. Why does this "disturb" and "interrupt"? Have things really changed?
I haven't yelled at characters and talked to myself while watching a movie in a long time. You shoulda seen me during the breakout scene. Cooler King's Triumph was badass but I'm lookin at you and you. BE MINE!